Friday, July 17, 2015

10 Instant Home Remedies To Have Sparkling White Teeth

It is well said that SMILE is the prettiest thing one can ever wear and is considered to be the most natural greeting. And with that smile your teeth gets the most attention.

10 instant home remedies to have sparkling white teeth

Sparkling white teeth can make anyone appear more attractive, healthy and younger. Follow these simple tips to have such sparkling white teeth all the time. 


Rubbing the inside fibrous part of the peel, of a ripe banana, makes your teeth sparkle. Do it everyday for better results.


Take a few strawberries and make a paste of it. Rub this paste all over your teeth for a minute. Keep it for 20 to 25 minutes. Then rinse it off with water. Your teeth will sparkle and all the yellow stains will disappear. 


Celery is considered to be one of the most effective vegetables to get shiny white teeth. Chewing raw celery works wonders for your teeth. It acts as a massage therapy. Celery cleans the plaque that gets stuck in the teeth leaving it white and shiny. Also the fibres of celery plays a role of floss in the cleaning process. So, from now on do not forget to add celery in your regular diet.


To remove yellow stains take lemon juice and massage it on all over your teeth. It will for sure remove the yellow stains and make your teeth sparkle, bright and white.


Salt can be used for teeth in two ways. You can either sprinkle some salt on your toothbrush while brushing your teeth to get them sparkling clean. Or rub salt on your teeth with your fingertips for your minute and then rinse with water. Both the ways will give you clean and clear teeth free from any stains and plaque.


Crush 8 to 10 basil leaves to get its paste. Mix this basil paste with 1 tsp of mustard oil. Use this as your toothpaste to get white and sparkling teeth.


Olive oil also works best for teeth. Use a clean cloth or cotton swab, dip it in olive oil and apply to your teeth for two to three minutes before your regular teeth-brushing routine. Do this regularly to get the results.


It is best to eat a raw vegetable daily to keep your teeth white. Include vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, your regular diet. These all are known to be natural cleansers. 


Water keeps your mouth hydrated and plays a very important role in reducing acidity as well. Drinking water at regular intervals keeps your teeth clean by preventing them from staining.


Aerated drinks will deteriorate one's teeth. The acid in these drinks damages the upper layers of your tooth, which contain calcium and phosphorus, which in turn weakens your jaw bones. One should also avoid the consumption of black coffee as it stains the teeth making it dull.


Like aerated drinks, alcohol and smoking also causes damage to your teeth and gums. They erode the enamel from the teeth that makes them dull and lifeless. So it is best to avoid smoking, drugs and other forms of tobacco as much as possible to get sparkling white teeth.

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