Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Poppy Seeds

Roast poppy seeds and form a powder of it. Mix this powder in milk and drink it to cure diarrhoea.

Take a spoon of poppy seeds oil before going to sleep to treat insomnia.

Make a mixture of poppy seeds, powdered melon seeds and water to form a paste. Consume this mixture twice a day to lower blood pressure naturally.

Mix poppy seeds powder with ghee and consume it twice a day to get relief from abdominal pain.

Make a paste of poppy seed with milk. Apply it on the skin for 20 minutes and then wash it off. It helps to cure the skin blemishes.

Roast poppy seeds and make powder of it. Mix this powder with honey and consume it to treat dysentry.

Soak poppy seeds overnight in water. Next morning grind it with milk to form a paste. Apply on your face. When dried wash it off with cold water. It cures the problem of dry skin.

Make a hair pack using overnight soaked poppy seeds, hung curd and crushed white pepper. Apply it on the scalp and leave for half an hour. Then wash it off with cold water. It cures dandruff.

Poppy seed paste should be applied to swollen joints to provide pain relief.

Take a spoon of the poppy seeds powder and consumed regularly for curing asthma.

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