Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Mint

Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne.

Make a mixture of yoghurt, fuller's earth powder and mint powder. Apply it on the face and wash it off after 15 minutes. It cures pimples.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Mint

Make a paste of dandelion leaves and mint leaves, mixed with some coconut oil. Apply it to cure eczema.

Oily skin is prone to pimples. To treat them you can apply a paste of mint leaves on to the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off with water in the morning. 

Applying fresh mint juice on pimples is one of the best and well known home remedy to cure pimples.

Mint juice if taken in every two hours also works wonders in treating diarhhoea.

Paste of fresh mint leaves if applied on the wound will also heal the wound and prevent it from getting infected.

Prepare a paste of mint leaves and apply on the itchy area. Regular application cures the Itching.

Make a mixture of equal quantities of mint juice, lemon juice and ginger juice. Take this atleast three times a day to cure jaundice.

Mint juice if taken in every two hours also works wonders in treating loose motions.

**Note: "Image courtesy of [James Barker] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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