Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Tulsi

Boil tulsi leaves in water. Boil it til the quantity reduces to half. Drink this twice a day to to treat fever.

Tulsi leaves juice should be given every 2 to 3 hours to treat common cold.

Apply tulsi oil on dry skin. Apply it every night before going to bed. It maintains the skin moisture hence treating dry skin.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Tulsi

Tulsi is rich in magnesium. Hence tulsi included in diet improves blood flow, and prevents cardiovascular diseases. 

Tulsi also has antibacterial properties. Its juice should be taken to cure food poisioning.

Simply chewing some tulsi leaves daily will give relief from cough.

Boil fresh tulsi leaves in water. Use this water for gargle to cure sore throat.

Tulsi included in daily diet is known to boost immune system.

Mix juice of tulsi leaves with honey. Take it regularly for six months to cure problems of kidney stone.

Tulsi is also used as an anti-stress agent. Chew some tulsi leaves to reduce stress.

**Note: "Image courtesy of [Michelle Meiklejohn] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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