Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pellitory And Vinegar For Epilepsy


Treats Epilepsy.

Cures Arthritis.

Improves Digestion.

Cures Toothaches.

Don’t confuse pellitory with another plant called pellitory-of-the-wall.

Pellitory might stimulate nerve endings.

Should Be Used Under Physician Supervision.


Cures Epilepsy.

Reduces Darkness Of Elbows.

Good For Smelly Feet.

Good For Skin Lightening.

Reduces Skin Blemishes.

Prevents Sunburns.


For this home remedy all you need is pellitory, vinegar and honey

Take 100 gms of pellitory, 100 gms old vinegar and mix it well for some time.

Then add honey to it.

Mix it well.

Take 5 gms of this mixture everyday in the morning.

This will surely cure the problem of epilepsy.

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