Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Drink green tea twice a day to maintain your cholesterol level.

Add basil leaves and cinnamon powder to green tea. Have a cup half an hour before your meals. It maintains the blood sugar level. Is good for diabetes.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Green Tea

In a cup of hot green tea add lemon juice, honey and Ginger powder. Drink it twice a day to cure common cold.

Green tea is also known to be beneficial for weight loss.

Green Tea is a rich source of fluoride which strengthens tooth enamel. Drink a cup of tea daily to reduce plaque formation and bacterial infections in the mouth.

Green tea should be taken twice a day to cure diarrhoea as it kills bacteria.

In green tea add coriander seeds powder and and lemon juice. Drink it thrice a day to cure kidney stone.

Washing your face with green tea will make your skin free from acne.

Add a teaspoon each of fresh Indian gooseberry juice and basil leaf juice to cup of green tea. Have it twice a day to improve your immune system.

Green tea can also be used as a mouthwash to get rid of bad breath.

**Note: "Image courtesy of [zirconicusso] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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