Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Orange

Sun dry orange peels and grind it to form a powder. Mix this powder with water and make a paste of it. Then apply this paste on the affected areas to get rid of acne. This should be done every alternate day.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Orange

Orange oil can also be mixed with vitamin e oil and applied on the marks. It also helps in reducing birthmarks.

Add honey to freshly prepared orange juice. Sip it slowly to get rid of cough.

Make a face pack by mixing orange peels, coconut water and sandalwood powder. It helps in skin lightening.

Mix rose water and yogurt in a powder of lemon and dried orange peels. Apply it on the face. Leave it on till it dries. Wash it off. It gives a blemish free skin.

Applying orange juice on the skin minimizes enlarged pores.

Mix dried orange peel powder and raw milk and apply it to the skin. Do it regularly to remove sun tan.

Make a face pack by mixing green clay, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and a little water and orange juice. Leave it on for 20 minutes. It is a very good face pack for oily skin.

Apply orange juice and coconut oil mixed together on the skin to treat dry skin.

Prepare a scrib by mixing egg white, non-fat milk powder, oatmeal, and orange juice. Scrub your skin with this mixture and then leave it on 15 min. Wash it off. It is a very good scrub for skin exfoliation.

**Note: "Image courtesy of [BrandonSigma] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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