Friday, August 7, 2015

Instant Home Remedies To Improve Apetite

Inlude cucumber and raddish in your daily diet to improve apetite.

Strictly avoid junk food. As junk food has become the major cause of loss of apetite.

Instant Home Remedies To Improve Apetite

Drink atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. It helps a lot to improve apetite.

Add ginger in your meal. It is best known to improve the apetite.

Mix freshly prepared ginger juice and freshly prepared lemon juice in equal quantities. Take it twice a day. It helps to improve apetite.

Boil coriander leaves in water. Keep on boiling till the water quantity reduces to half. Keep it to cool. Drink this water daily to improve apetite.

Drink green tea half an before before your meal. It helps a lot in improving apetite.

If you dont feel like eating, drink peppermint tea. It will increase your hunger hence helps in improving apetite.

Eat tomatoes in any form. Drink tomato soup or eat tomato salad to improve apetite.

Half an before your meal place ice bags on your stomach. It helps a lot to improve apetite.

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