Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Jasmine

Jasmine oil can be used in steam inhalation therapy to cure cold and cough.

Jasmine oil applied on the skin also helps protect and moisturize our skin.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Jasmine

Soak some jasmine flowers in water and leave it for overnight. In the morning add few drops of this solution to your eyes. It cures eye infection. 

Drink jasmine tea daily to improve immunity.

Jasmine tea also maintains blood sugar level and so is good for diabetis.

Jasmine oil can be put in warm bath water as it moisturizes dry skin.

Jasmine oil applied to the temples gives relief from headache.

Drink jasmine tea to prevent dental problems.

A body massage with jasmine oil relieves body aches and joint pains.

Jasmine oil can be added to a cream or lotion to tone skin as it also helps to reduce stretch marks.

**Note: "Image courtesy of [Iamnee] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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