Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Rosemary

Rinse hairs with rosemary water. It promotes hair growth.

Take crushed dried rosemary and mix it with extra virgin olive oil. Massage it over thighs, wrap in plastic wrap. Leave it on for 10 min. Wash it off. It should be done weekly to get rid of cellulite.

Beauty And Health Benefits Of Rosemary

Apply a few drops of the rosemary oil directly to the scalp and hairs to treat dry hairs and make them shine.

Add a few spoons of rosemary oil to fuller’s earth. Mix this thoroughly and use the paste as a refreshing skin pack.

Rosemary oil can be applied on the muscles to relieve pain.

It is a very effective oil for steam inhalations to cure colds and sinusitis.

Apply rosemary oil on the temples to get relief from headache.

Applying rosemary oil on the face everynight before going to bed cures and prevents wrinkles.

Mix rosemary in boiling water, steep for 10 min. Dip cotton pads in this solution and put on eyes for 15 min. It relieves eye stress.

Boil rosemary in water. Use this water for as a mouthwash to cure mouth infections. 

**Note: "Image courtesy of [Michelle Meiklejohn] / FreeDigitalPhotos.net"

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