Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Gooseberry And Liquorice For Asthma


Cures Asthma.

Helps In treating Anxiety.

Purifies Blood.

Clears Pimples And Acne.

Kills Head Lices.

Good For Eyesight.

Cures Sore Throat.

Treats Constipation.

Treats Arthritis.

Good For Diabetics.

Cures Mouth Ulcers.


Cures Asthma.

Improves Immunity.

Protects Liver.

Enhances Memory Power.

Cures Mouth Ulcers.

Treats Constipation.

Helps To Treat Skin Rashes.

Cures Skin Itching.


For this home remedy all you need is amla and mulethi.

Grind amla and mulethi seperatly to form fine powder.

Then mix both the powders and store it in an air tight container.

Take a spoon ful of this mixture twice a day at empty stomach.

This gives relief from asthma. 

It is a very good and a very well known home remedy for treating asthma.

Note: "Image courtesy of [marin] /".

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