Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Depression

Never stay alone, when you are feeling depressed.

Eat apple with milk and honey. Its serves as a nerve tonic and helps to overcome depression.

Instant Home Remedies For Depression
Boil water, add sugar and fresh rose petals. Drink it when depressed.

Turmeric taken in any form also helps in fighting depression.

Many Yogic asanas are also beneficial in treating depression. 

Eat a banana, it will improve your mood and make you feel happier.

Relaxation and meditation are also effective depression remedy. 

A pinch of finely powdered cardamon seeds taken mixed with black tea also reduces depression.

Cashewnut being rich in vitamin B also reduces depression.

Take one or two grams of powder of the dry roots of asparagus once a day to overcome depression.

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