Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Avoid wearing synthetic and tight fitted clothes. Instead go for cotton and loose fitted clothes to prevent excessive sweating.

Take a glass of freshly prepared tomato juice everyday. It reduces the problem of excessive sweating.

Instant Home Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Avoid intake of coffee. Sometimes coffee is also the reason of excessive sweating.

Bath daily to prevent the problem of excessive sweating caused due to bacterias.

In a cup coconut oil add about 10 g crushed camphor. Mix it well and make a paste. Then apply this paste on the affected areas to prevent excessive sweating.

Apply apple cider vinegar on the affected areas to cure excessive sweating. One can also have it orally by adding two teaspoons of honey to two teaspoons of vinegar for one week on an empty stomach. This reduces excessive sweating.

In lukewarm water add rock salt and submerge your feet into the water. Pat it dry afterwards using a towel or cloth. It prevents excessive sweating.

Half an hour before having bath apply the Goose beery juice on the affected area. It helps to cure excessive sweating problem.

One of the most effective and easy home remedy is to cut the slices of potato and rub them underarms to get rid of excessive sweating.

Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated to avoid the smell caused due to excessive sweating.

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