Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Grey Hairs

Rub amla paste regularly into the scalp reverses the process of greying or falling off of hair.

Ribbed gourd boiled in coconut oil is also an effective remedy for premature greying of hair.

Instant Home Remedies For Grey Hairs

Butter prepared from cow’s milk is beneficial in prevention of premature white hair.

Taking sufficient amount of yoghurt daily and a tablespoon of yeast before meals is helpful in prevention and treatment of white hair.

Cut gooseberrie in to pieces and dry in shade. Heat these dried pieces in coconut oil till the matter turns into thick dark oil. It should be onto the scalp applied every day.

Soak powdered walnut shells in water overnight. Wash hair with this water next morning. This cures grey hair.

Include curry leaves in daily diet to prevent greying hair.

Make a paste of 2 tspn henna powder, 1 tspn yogurt, 1 tsp fenugreek, methi seed powder, 3 tspn coffee, 2 tspn basil juice and 3 tspn mint juice and apply to the hair. Wash hair with shampoo after 3 hours. 

Mix lemon juice, castor oil and henna. Apply the mixture evenly over the scalp, and bath after an hour using shikakai and reetha shampoo.

Drinking carrot juice on daily basis is also beneficial to prevent further greying if hairs.

Heat castor oil, grounded coffee and sandalwood for 15 to 20 minutes. After cooling apply it to the scalp regularly.

Applying guava paste on to the scalp regularly also prevents greying of hairs.

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