Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Conjuctivitis

Use an eye wash made by boiling fresh neem leaves in water for about 10 min. 

Application of vitamin A lotion also helps in reducing the infection.

Instant Home Remedies For Conjuctivitis

Keep cool chamomile tea bag on closed eyes for about 10 min to reduce the redness. This can be done in every 2 hours.

Pure and fresh rose water can also be used as eye drops which helps in curing conjunctivitis.

Intake of carrot and spinach juices also helps in curing conjunctivitis.

Make a paste of babul tree leaves. This paste should be applied on the infected eyes at night before going to sleep and should be wiped off the next morning.

Thin slices of potato kept on the infected eyes, helps in reducing the swelling. 

keep your eyes away from dust and pollution.

Wear dark glasses to prevent infection to others.

Food with starch and sugar content should be avoided.

Do not share towels, pillows, handkerchief or any other personal material as conjunctivitis is highly contagious.

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