Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Constipation

Massage the stomach every night with mustard oil.

Consumption of raw spinach juice twice a day cures constipation in few days.

Instant Home Remedies For Constipation

Apples are also very beneficial in treating constipation.

Drink lots n lots of water.

Drink cabbage juice twice a day to treat constipation.

Mix 2 tbsp of castor oil in warm milk. Drink this before going to bed at night.

Consumption of water melon on regular basis also treats constipation.

In warm water add half a lime with half a teaspoon of salt. Drink this in the moring to treat constipation.

Papaya and guava are also very useful in treating constipation.

Take one to two table spoon of Isabgol husk or Psyllium husk with milk in the night and in the morning to cure constipation.

Dates taken along with milk also gives relief from constipation.

Mix half cup olive oil with half cup orange juice and drink to cure constipation.

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