Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Fever

Boil garlic in water. Drink this water slowly sip by sip. It reduces fever.

Take cumin seeds and add some jaggery to it. Eat this mixture twice a day to get rid of fever.

Instant Home Remedies For Fever

Take a warm bath and add few drops of vinegar in it. It works wonders with mild fevers making it disappear after them bath.

Drink ginger tea. For this take a half-teaspoon minced ginger root in 1 cup of water. Boil it. Then strain and drink. It cures fever.

Fever can cause dehydration, so drink water, juices. In short, drink plenty of feverids to cure the dehydration caused due to fever.

Boil half a teaspoon of saffron in half a cup of water. This should be taken every every hour to get rid of fever effectively and at a faster rate.

Make a garlic paste and add some olive oil to it. Mix it well and apply to the feet of the person suffering from fever. This is a very good home remedy to treat fever.

Boil some basil leaves in water. Keep on boiling till the water level reduces to half of its quantity. Strain it and drink it at least twice a day to cure fever.

Eat fresh pineapple or drink freshly prepared pineapple juice to cure fever. It has an anti-inflammatory agent that can fight fever and is good to prevent dehydration.

Take potato slices and soak the slices in vinegar for ten minutes. Then place these slices on the forehead of the one suffering from fever while lying down and place a washcloth on top. It reduces fever in next 15 to 20 minutes.

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