Thursday, August 6, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Flatulence

Take a tablespoon of carom seeds and add a pinch of black salt to it. Eat it twice a day to get rid of flatulence problems.

Add ginger in cooking and eat a small raw piece of ginger daily. One can also add half a teaspoon of ginger to one cup of boiling water and mix it properly before consuming it. Drink this daily to get rid of flatulence.

Instant Home Remedies For Flatulence

Boil Guava leaves in water. Boil till the water reduces to half of the quantity. Strain and drink the water.  It cures flatulence problems.

Drink butter milk with a pinch of salt and asafoetida. It is a very well known home remedy in treating flatulence problems.
Apply a paste of asafoetida mixed with water on the stomach. It helps a lot in treating flatulence problems specially in children.

Add 1 cup boiling water to 1-2 teaspoons freshly crushed caraway seeds. Soak it for overnight. Next morning strain it. Drink a cupful two to four times a day between meals. It cures the problem of flatulence.

Eat Turmeric powder with Salt every day morning. It will helps to reduce the problem of flatulence.

Take grounded garlic and boil them in water for a few minutes. Then add a small amount of black pepper and cumin seeds. Strain it and allow it cool. Drink this solution two to three times a day to get rid of flatulence problems.

Take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it in a glass of water. This is one of the very well known home remedies for flatulence. 

Mix a drop of til oil in a teaspoon of honey. Lick it immediately after meals. It is very effective in controlling flatulence. 

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