Friday, August 7, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Gout

Eat apple everyday in the morning to cure problems like gout.

Add lemon juice to a glass of water. Drink it at least three times a day daily to get rid of gout.

Include banana in your daily diet. Have a couple of bananas daily to treat gout.

Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
Drink it one in day without fail to cure gout effectively.

Keep cabbage leaves in the freezer.
During a gout attack, place a frozen leaf around the joint.
This will relieve the pain and cure gout to much extent.

Strictly avoid alcohol.

Grapes can lessen the level of uric acid in body. So include grapes in your daily diet to cure gout.

Boil one tea spoon of Pepper in half cup of Vinegar and one cup of water.
Boil for about 15 minutes. Apply this mixture on the painful joint and leave it for 2 to 3 hours.
it gives relief from gout.

Charcoal bath is also a well known home remedy to treat gout. Mix half a cup of charcoal powder and water in a tub until it forms a paste. Place affected foot into the tub and add water until the foot is sunken. Keep your foot within the charcoal bath for 30 to 60 minutes.

Add ginger root in cooking and eat a small raw piece of ginger root daily.
One can also add half a teaspoon of ginger root to one cup of boiling water and mix it properly before consuming it.
Drink this daily to get rid of gout.

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