Friday, August 7, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Heart Burn

Eat fresh papaya to cure heartburn. 

Drinking a glass of cold milk gives immediate relief for heartburn.

Consuming ice cream also gives an instant relief from heartburn.

Instant Home Remedies For Heart Burn

Drink organic, whole leaf aloe vera juice several times a day to get rid of heartburn. 

Consumption of fresh apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of water before meals reduces the problems of heartburn. 

Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after your meals. This helps a lot in treating heartburn.

Eat an apple after a meal. This is a very well known home remedy to treat heartburn.

Drink some dill pickle juice to reduce the heartburn.

After your meals, chew sugarless gum for 30 minutes. This cures heartburn.

A few almonds, taken in the morning or after meals is also a good remedy to treat heartburn.

Mix equal parts of cinnamon and honey in warm water also serves for heartburn.

Boil cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it with meals. This will for sure reduce the pain of heartburn.

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