Friday, August 7, 2015

Instant Home Remedies For Faster Healing

Squeeze a few drops of garlic juice into cuts. It helps in healing.

Make a paste of onion and apply it on the injury. It will help in healing the injury and remove its infection.

Instant Home Remedies For Faster Healing

A paste made of baking soda and water should be applied over the affected part and left for sometime. It is good for healing.

Garlic contains allicin which heals the injury much faster. So garlic paste should be applied on wound to heal it.

Grind cinnamon to make powder. Then add water to form a paste. Apply it on the affected area. It helps in healing faster.
Applying honey on the cut will heal the injury and also make it infection free. Honey should be pure.

Turmeric can also be applied in powdered form. Make a paste of turmeric powder and apply it on the injury. It prevents infection, stops bleeding and heals the injury faster.

Sandalwood paste can also be applied onto the injury to get some instant relief and better healing

Paste of fresh mint leaves if applied on the wound will also heal the wound and prevent it from getting infected.

Raw egg is also a known remedy for cuts. Apply it on the cuts, leave it for some time and then wash it off with lukewarm water. It helps in healing the scut.

For diabetic patients it is very necessary to keep control on their blood sugar levels.

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